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Miscellaneous Math Materials

Denise Dutcher

Miscellaneous math materials are needed by multiple teachers to support math instruction.

Miscellaneous math materials are needed by multiple teachers to support math instruction.

These items will support all Creekside students and their math learning. The Hands-On Equations sets will help students to develop a conceptual understanding of pre-algebra concepts. Current sixth-grade teachers report that when Hands-On Equations lessons are taught prior to the "Expressions and Equations" chapter, students have a much stronger understanding of these difficult concepts. Extra sets and the fraction set will provide additional materials for more practice as well as more challenging problems. The place value mats and base 10 blocks will help 5th graders strengthen their understanding of place value. Current 5th-grade teachers report that incoming students struggle with place value, most likely due to learning loss during the pandemic. Having manipulatives will help students to strengthen their number sense with both whole numbers as well as decimals. It will also aid in helping students to understand decimal addition and subtraction. A set of calculators has been requested by one of our 5th-grade teachers. Our school bought calculators about 10 years ago, but over time, the calculator supply has dwindled. Having a complete working set is helpful for students to check their work to ensure accuracy. One of our teachers would like to have a set of study carrels. Carrels provide a space, free from distractions, for students to take tests, read, study, etc. This same teacher would also appreciate a classroom set of rulers. The rulers would be used for not only math class but for measuring in science class as well.

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