Iron Dread Conjugate Equipment
Chris Whittaker
Dexter High School

All of these items will add to the execution of our Conjugate Training Method within the Iron Dread Strength and Conditioning program. The conjugate system is built around changing exercise variations, intensities, reps, sets, loads, and durations to create a training effect within the student-athlete. Having this equipment will allow us to provide many different variations and training environments to elevate the strength of our student-athletes and help them accomplish greater levels of strength and performance. This equipment will be used year-round with every young person in the district and alumni that returns the weight room to train. This equipment will also support the training within all of our physical education classes that utilize the weight room area. Getting these items will equip us with the tools necessary to build our school-wide culture of strength which has and will continue to provide a decreased risk of preventable injuries for our student-athletes and allow for huge increases in self-confidence. We service hundreds of DCS students each day in the Iron Dread Strength and Conditioning program and hope to build an even greater number of students.
The equipment purchased with this grant will be utilized for years to come with our 5th-12th-grade students as well as continue to be utilized with Alumni athletes that wish to train with the Iron Dread Program. While some of this equipment will need to be replaced as it wears out, much of these items will last for many years even decades.